So follow our travels from "The Beginning" until now "wherever that may be".

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sunshine at last!

Yesterday the sun came thru and we had a beautiful day.  Bob, I and Berry took a nice long hike thru the woods.  It really felt great to be out in the fresh air.  Poor Berry was dragging by the time we got back but she weighs 50 #s and that's too heavy for either one of us. And, when we got back to the entrance to the trail, they had it blocked off with a sign that said to stay out because of a special hunt going on.  Well I guess we were prime targets.  Today the sun came out again but we took a shorter and easier walk.  Stayed on the pavement.

We have learned that mushroom hunting is very popular here in this part of Missouri.  The mushrooms look like an ice cream cone and you find them in the woods and likely on a south facing hill.  Everyone we meet wants to know if we've been mushroom hunting and we say "no" because this concept is new to us.  Last night our new neighbors on one side of us came over and joined us at our campfire.  They are from here in Missouri and they soon asked us if we had been "mushroom hunting".  She said she had been that afternoon and had some so she goes to their camper and brings back 3 mushrooms and says here you take these.  Well this gave us an idea what they looked like - an ice cream cone is their shape and the top (ice cream) looks like a sponge.  She proceeded to tell me how to cook them - good old southern cooking - you dip them in egg, then roll them in a flour/salt mixture and fry them.  Well today for lunch, I cooked mushrooms and they turned out well.  Tasted yum, yum like something I've eaten before but I can't place what it is.  I have pictures of the mushrooms posted at the bottom.

Oh yes, I finally took some pictures of here.  You can see them below with the mushrooms.  Today is our last day here.  We will be moving to Altoona, Iowa tomorrow to the Adventureland Campground where we will be spending the summer while we work at Adventureland Amusement Park.  Pray for us a safe trip.


Our 3 mushrooms

See how big they are.

View from our back window

Our Patio Area

Nice big wide campsites

View of us from the road

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