Well, we're sitting still and it's kind of nice. We didn't do any sightseeing this week so their really isn't much to write about. We kind of just stayed home - Judy did some cleaning and Bob did some repairing. Living full time in an RV is just like living in a house. They have to be cleaned and there is always something that needs to be fixed. But, oh how we love the freedom of having our home on wheels. We are actually working today as our days are Friday and Saturday. There are 3 workamping couples here and we each do two days with the office being closed on Sunday. That tells you something about the owners. They're really nice and this is a great, clean park.
There are so many things out here that we want to see and do that we are having a hard time setting our priorities to be sure we get the most important things in before we leave. However, we will be here until the latter part of March. We may just have to toss a coin each week. Weather permitting, I think we are going to go to White Sands this next week on our day out.
I've got to share that I woke up this morning thinking about those dreary, all day rainy days in Alabama. Sure wish we could have one of those here. I'd love to wrap up in a blanket, stay inside and read all day. It just doesn't rain here. I think we have had one rain in a month and it was at night. Water is precious here in the basin.
The phone is really ringing with people checking on availability. Looks like I'm going to get really busy this afternoon. They'll probably all arrive at 5:45 and the office is supposed to close at 6:00. Oh well, the business is good. Maybe we'll fill up the park tonight.
Guess I better stop and start getting myself prepared for what appears is going to be a rush.
Later, Judy